About Me !!

246 words

Care for Gaza | Daily Click to Support Palestinians | LinkTree With Historical Information

Hi I’m Aurora, I’m a CrazywinkP that loves them sooosososo much. I translate mostly Crazy:B content, though you may see me add things for 2wink or for other idols that I’m biased towards. I’m a university student with a work-heavy unpaid internship, so my translation updates may be spotty based on my motivation + workload.

  • I used to take translation requests, but I’ve decided to indefinitely not do that mostly because of the school + work things. That being said, I will ignore any asks in my curiouscat/tmblr inbox asking me to translate specific stories or to open requests again.

  • Just a heads up: I try to get as close to colloquial English as possible when translating to practice my English too, so some sentences may deviate a bit from the original text.

Special Shoutouts

I wish I could make a whole separate page for this because it’s definitely deserved it but this is a special shout out to son for setting this whole website up, being patient with me, and putting in a lot of effort in general into helping me out KJHSDF shout out to you son I can’t thank you enough for your help!

Another huge thank you goes to my eng proofers: shay and pit. My translations have had a huge jump in quality because of your help, so thank you guys for your hard work you’re the best :3