Banquet Under a Shrouded Moon

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Banquet Under a Shrouded Moon (WIP: 1/6)
After believing in the "God of Gambling" just a little too much, Rinne lost big time. While spending days off entertaining himself, Hiyori asks him to pet-sit.
shay, pit
Banquet of a Shrouded Moon (WIP: 1/6)
After believing in the "God of Gambling" just a little too much, Rinne lost big time. While spending days off entertaining himself, Hiyori asks him to pet-sit.
shay, pit

Ch. 1

Chapter 1

proofread by shay

Morning. At Starmony Dorm’s Kitchen.


Chiaki, good morning~!

Morning! Kanata, are you eating now too? Should I get a plate ready for you?

Are you sure?

Yup. I was just about to start grilling up some fish.

Hm? Chiaki, I thought you weren’t very “good” at “cooking”?

I can whip up a few beginner dishes. I’ve tried making baked fish before, so I think it’ll be fine~

Is that so~ Well the key to “Yakizakana"[1] is a “strong heat”. If you do that, then the fish’s outside will be browned and the inside will be soft.

A strong heat…like this?

Yes. Like that, we’ll wait for it to cook “slowly”~

While you’re waiting for it to cook…you can’t move right? Is there anything I can help you with?

Well, could you make some tea and rice for both of us then?


Chiaki, do you want a “larger” meal?

Absolutely! Breakfast is what starts the day off right. So, let’s eat up ‘til we grow big and strong!

Ufufu. Aren’t we already done “growing”?

There’s more to growing than just being taller. Not only that, people are always changing.

With a balanced diet and consistent lifestyle, we can keep growing!

At the same time. At Rinne’s dorm.


Cmon, cmon, cmon, Bloody Mary! It’s time for breakfast!

Eat lots so that you can grow, okay~? Mwah mwah!

I was able to sleep well, so I’m feeling quite content this morning, ii Hiyori~


You’ll lose the game if you run away now! I’m going all in! (mumbling in sleep)

Ugh, what awful sleep talking.

Don’t grow up to be an adult like Rinne-senpai, alright Mary?

Yaaaawn…Hiyori-chan, did you say my name..?

I did no such thing, you were just dreaming. Something about winning and betting all of your money, how tasteless.

Gyahah, there isn’t any tasteful or tasteless way to sleeptalk.

You sure look unkempt…do you have the day off?

Yup. There’s not much to do but laze around.

Just the other day I was going around thinking Kanacchi was the “God of Gambling” and now I’m completely broke[2].

So you believed it, huh. That’s your fault, since you’re the one that thought that pampering Kanata-kun would boost your luck. Am I wrong?

You’re right, but you’re also part of the blame too y’know.

Hiyori-chan, aren’t you the one that told me “I hear Kanacchi has some good luck~”?

Ugh. Well when you put it like that, it’s painfully true[3]...


Isn’t it? Why don’t you hand over a lil something for poor ol’ me?

Absolutely not! I am not your wallet!

Well then, why don’t you pay me a little somethin’ now and then I’ll pay you back double later? ‘Kay?

I am not a bank, and I do not believe in paying back double!

Hiyori-chan, you’re so stingy~

Am not! I’m not giving you money without getting anything back!

Wanna know what you’ll get back from me? A nice little thank you~

That won’t do me any good at all!

…Mary? What’s wrong? Are you getting sleepy because your tummy is full?

Good girl. Night night, sweet dreams~

Dogs must have it so easy. All they gotta do is eat and sleep and they’ll get told they’re “good”.

Well, Rinne-senpai, if you were as lovable as Mary then I’d call you “good” as much as you’d like…

…However, you really only live once so you have to enjoy it! Having a life that’s only full of eating and sleeping is not for me!

You can’t have any fun without having money, can you? So, like…

Ugh, so relentless. I’m not giving you any money.

…Buuut. If you could do me a little favor, then I can make it worth your while?

For real? Hell yeah, I’ll do anything you need me to!


I need you to pet sit. In other words, I want you to look after Bloody Mary.

Hm? Blomary-chan[4]?

Yes. To be exact, I want you to take her for a walk.

Lately both Jun-kun and I have been super busy, so we can really only play with her in Starmony’s courtyard

Mary is too fragile to be out and about, but I’d like for her to take a small little stroll around Starmony dorm. Could you do that for me?

Thanks for offering, but I’m not so sure I’m the right person to help Blomary-chan out yknow?

Doesn’t she get scared if anyone besides you and Junjun touches her, Hiyori-chan?

Don’t worry, she’s only like that with strangers. Since you’re roommates with me, it should be fine Rinne-senpai.

You’ll still have to keep a close eye on her. As I was saying, Mary is fragile.


Got it. Okay, I’ll do it.

What about my payment? Is it upfront? Later? How much are you paying me?

Of course I’m paying you later. It’ll be pretty simple.

Ah, right. While you’re on your walk with Mary, I want you to take a picture and send it to me for proof.

So I’m still poor for now, huh…so sad…

Don’t be such a downer. I’ll pay you handsomely once you bring Mary back.

Bloody Mary is my child, so think of her as your child too and treat her kindly!

Right. I’m looking forward to your payment, Hiyori-chan.

I know. I’ll be off to work now.

Take caaaaare~!

…A walk, huh? It really doesn’t have to be at a specific time, but I can’t do it while Blomary-chan is asleep.

I’ll just sleep again until Blomary-chan wakes up.

Translation Notes

(1): A specialty grilled fish dish usually served with a bowl of rice and miso soup!
(2): The next few dialogue lines about Kanata being the god of gambling is a reference to “Please, God” (Rinne’s ES2 4* story!) which you can find a translation by me for here!
(3): Hiyori uses a conversational idiom, 耳が痛い/”mimi ga itai”, here! It literally means “hurts my ears”, but the figurative meaning is used to describe something that’s true but painful. Kinda like “hits close to home” or “a pill that’s hard to swallow”.
(4): Rinne’s nickname for Bloody Mary! Blomary, a combination of both names.