Past, Present, And...

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Past, Present, And...
When spending some time with Crazy:B as usual, HiMERU catches wind of Anzu trying to look for inspiration for his personalized outfit, and decides to investigate...

Chapter 1



Thaaaat's right. It's a game where you gotta pick out the lying wereworlf among your friends by talking to them.[1]

A bunch of guys over at Seisou Hall's common room were playing it a while back and I went ahead and joined, it was pretty fun.

Actually I think we should all play it since we're all here! Loser's gotta pay for lunch!

First thing I'm gonna do if I'm the werewolf is you, Niki. Better brace yourself, gyahaha~!

Quit making those scary threats! I may love eating, but I would not like to be eaten!

I've played Werewolf online before. It needs eight people to play though, so we can't really play it ourselves, can we?

Don't worry about it. I'll text everyone from "ASOBI" on Holdhands and we'll have a full team reaaal quick.

Easy for you to say. Not everyone has free time the way you do, Rinne-kun.

Aan? Just what're you talking about? I'm a pretty busy guy too. Busy making the most out of my life that is!

That's the point of free time.


Ah...HiMERU-han, are you already leaving?

Yes. Since discussion about work is already finished, staying any more is pointless.

Fair enough. Before you go though, can I ask you something?

—A question? If HiMERU can answer it, then please ask.

Thanks. I don't really know how to say this so I'll just spit it out. HiMERU-han, did you do something wrong?

Did something?

Well, it's not like I think you're guilty, HiMERU-han.

Buuuut yesterday Anzu-han asked me to tell her everything I could about you.

Ah, she asked me about HiMERU-kun too, but it wasn't yesterday.

I was pretty hungry at the time so I said no and "later", but I can't help but wonder why she was asking?

Oukawa and Shiina were both asked about it? Then that means...

Duh, she asked me too. I said I'd tell only if she won a bet, but then she ran away quick.

Merumeru, just what did you do?


If you won't tell, why don't we find out through a game of Werewolf? Gyahaha~!

—There's nothing to find out. HiMERU doesn't know what brought this on.

(If there was something, it's likely "my" secret. Could she be suspicious? So she tried asking around...?)

HiMERU will find Anzu-san and personally ask her what it is she'd like to know. Now then...


(That person with their back turned...just as expected, that's Anzu-san. HiMERU finally found her.)

(She's still here at COSPRO's office, so maybe she's looking for info on HiMERU?)

(Then HiMERU will do some looking of his own. What are your true intentions—)

—Hello, Anzu-san. Are you here at COSPRO for work?

You're looking at the computer screen so intently...oya.

Those are...videos of HiMERU's past lives, correct? How nostalgic.

But, DVDs having this footage aren't in circulation anymore. Why do you have it?

...So that's why. You're borrowing them from Vice President Saegusa. He would have this kind of information.

(So rather than "Crazy:B"'s lives, she's looking at "HiMERU"'s solo lives? So she really is looking for information on HiMERU?)

(But, why...)


—Fufu. Even though these are all past lives, it's a bit embarassing to be stared at so intently.

Why are you deciding to watch them now?

"Personalized Outfits"...Yes, HiMERU has heard of them. Could you be planning to make one for HiMERU?

So that's how it is. You decided to start doing more research on idols beforehand after working on the Vice President's "Personalized Outfit", correct?

(Come to think of it, the Vice President's "Personalized Outfit" really did seem to suit him. But it's not like HiMERU knows him well anyway...)

(At any rate, it seems she wasn't trying to find out any secrets.)

Anzu-san, could you be asking around for informations in order to design HiMERU's "Personalized Outfit"?

So that's why. Just a while ago, Amagi and the others had said that you were "asking about" HiMERU. first you were going to talk to HiMERU, but he'd left sooner so you talked to them instead?

So that's what happened, HiMERU understands now. Well, HiMERU has been leaving sooner lately, so our schedules may not have aligned, Anzu-san.

(Still, for Amagi to use a words like "done something" made HiMERU needlessly cautious.)

You're sorry for seeming intrusive, you say? No, you really don't need to apologize.

...You'd like to hear HiMERU's requests? And what type of outfit he'd like to wear?

Please don't worry about that, Anzu-san, make it the way you see fit—

No matter what it is you come up with, HiMERU will happily wear it. By all means, design it freely.

—What's wrong? Is there something else you want to ask?

You're going to take your ideas home and think of a draft, then discuss it with HiMERU later...

Alright. You're free to do so anytime, Anzu-san.

Chapter 2


Oya? You're leaving already, Anzu-san?

You've seen enough of all the material and have started to get ideas, you say. Fufu, HiMERU looks forward to seeing them.

Allow HiMERU to clean everything here. These DVDs simply need to be taken to Vice President Saegusa, yes?

Yes, I'll tell him you said hello. Now then, goodbye--

(...HiMERU's "personalized outfit".)

(Looking at all the "personalized outfits" that have been released thus far, it appears they're meant to depict each of the individual traits belonging to their respective idols.)

("HiMERU"s individual traits...)

(Although "I" know HiMERU better than anyone, any hopes "I'd" bring up regarding his outfit may not be what's best for him.)

(That's why, I shouldn't have an opinion on it. Even if it turns out plain, it'll be fine.)

(If the Producer creates the outfit "however she likes", then HiMERU will be able to continue as HiMERU.)

A few days later.


...And that's that. I called the guys over at AOSOBI and gathered a bunch of friends. The Werewolf game went without a hitch!

Ninja-kun was the best at it, he even came up with a general “ninja” rule, but he’s no good at lying at all!

My werewolf-in-crime, Hina, was a great distraction while I ate all the other villagers!

It was really a sight for sore eyes, gyahaha!

Merumeru, you really should’ve been there, you could’ve totally enjoyed the bloodbath with me huh?

–Not exactly. Since HiMERU had his own business to tend to…oya?

Hello there, Anzu-san. Are you having dinner late as well?

You have design ideas for HiMERU’s “personalized outfit” you say.

Oh, you don’t need to double check it. If you’ve prepared it, then HiMERU has faith in your judgment.

…You have a lot of ideas, so you’d like HiMERU to at least pick one? HiMERU is alright with any of them.

Merumeru. She’s putting in all the work to make an outfit for ya, you can’t be having that kinda attitude. Anee-saaaa~n, it’s a shame you got dumped.

How about I wear the outfit, since Merumeru is being all cold about it?

It’s only for Merumeru, so no?

So mean. You made Merumeru’s outfit before the leader’s, so next time make my costume. Does that sound good?

Amagi’s jokes aside, it’s true HiMERU’s initial disposition was a bit rude. You wanted HiMERU’s perspective, correct? Understood, let’s discuss the details. Amagi?

Right, right. You want me to sit this one out? Can’t be helped.

I’ve already eaten my fill anyways, so I’m gonna head to play some pachinko. Bye now~

Now then, allow HiMERU to look at your design ideas.

…As expected, they’re all quite fitting for HiMERU.

You came up with these ideas based on the materials you received from the Vice President? Then, it’s no surprise that they’re all appropriate.


That’s why it’s difficult for HiMERU to decide on just one. Anzu-san, could you select one for HiMERU…–?

(...That outfit, where has it been seen before…)

Ah, apologies for becoming silent. This design here…

Hm. So this is a sketch, not a design idea…

You took it from one of the bonus recordings, since it was displayed on the dressing room wall–?

(...Ah, so that’s why it was familiar.)

(This costume design was one of the candidates for what “HiMERU” was going to wear for his next live.)

(But that live never came, and so it was discarded…)

If you’ve watched that video, then you must’ve seen HiMERU’s performance before he took a hiatus, correct?

From your perspective, what did HiMERU look like?

…Fufu. Apologies for laughing. You were talking so excitedly about “HiMERU” that he couldn’t help it. / That’s right. The person you’re describing certainly sounds like “HiMERU”.

You’ve thought of a lot of ideas within this sketchbook, so if it’s not too much trouble…allow HiMERU to borrow it for a moment.


(“HiMERU” never got to wear countless outfits…and now “HiMERU” can never go back to those days.)

(Taking a step towards expressing that style that “HiMERU” wanted to show is something that should be given a try.)

(I want to convey everything “HiMERU” was meant to.)

Could HiMERU ask if you used this design? Of course, you’re free to alter it as you see fit. Trends constantly change, after all.

You’d like to stay as close to the original design as possible, you say? HiMERU appreciates the care you’re showing him.

You look elated, Anzu-san. It’s…because you were able to hear what HiMERU wanted?

(Ah, that’s right…”I” still have things that I want and wish for.)

(But ghosts want something they’ll never possess. It’s the obsession that keeps them anchored in the real world.)


Oiii! HiMERU-kun, I’m taking last orders, do you want anything?

…Oh, Nee-san’s here too. Sorry I didn’t notice, I’ve been busy in the kitchen all day.

Nee-san, did you want anything to eat? You’re leaving now since you’re done talking about “personalized outfits”?

Alright then, I’ll be waiting for you to come again~

A “personalized outfit”...was it your turn for one, HiMERU-kun?

I’m excited to see how it’ll turn out!

Yes, HiMERU is looking forward to it as well.

Translation Notes

(1): Other games with this same premise that may make this more familiar include Mafia, Town of Salem, and (most commonly known) Among Us.