A Story That's Mine Alone

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A Story That's Mine Alone
Mika is thrilled to be working on his costume in order to prepare for a live. Everyone around him is supporting and observing him, but he's been trying not to contact Shu. So...
Chitose Umeda
ci, pit, eve, silver, shay, mello

Chapter 1

Lunch Recess.

(I was checking all my messages from "HoldHands" and I didn't realize it had gotten this late. I really don't feel like going to get something to eat from the cafeteria—)

my bad

—Huh? My bad, Kagehira. Looks like something fell off the desk when I walked by you. Is this a design sketch?

Nnah, I'm the one who's sorry. I was the one spreading things all over your desk, sorry for bothering you.

Nono, you really don't need to apologize, since I was the one who dropped it.

At any rate, why are you even spreading out all your design sketches...? There's ribbons, beads, and stuff too.

Nn, well… I'm preparing things for my "Feature Live" right now.

Fumu, do you mean you're making props for the live?

Right. I went and asked Anzu-chan if I could make the costume and props for the live. I'm kinda nervous being up on the stage on my own, so I wanna do what I can.

When I heard those words from Mika-chan, I was so moved~

Woah, Arashi?!

hi there

Hi there, Mao-chan. Sorry to bother you.

Naru-chan! Did you come here to check up on me?

Yep! You told me yesterday that you were having trouble with something, so I was wondering what happened afterwards.

I was able to finish the props with no problem and now it's back at my dorm. With Naru-chan's help and advice, I managed to fix it up. Thanks a bunch...~

Ufufu! That's great to hear. Apart from that, what are you working on now?

This is the costume's accessory. So far, I think it looks pretty good.

Umm? From the sounds of it, You seem like you’ve been supporting Kagehira's progress this whole time, Arashi.

Of course, it's a big day for my precious best friend after all. I've been his cheerleader ever since I heard that he was going to have a "feature live".

Naru-chan's been really supportive of me, so I feel really motivated.

I'll be honest, I can't wait, and I'm a little nervous that I won't be able to make it to the show, but I know I can give it my best. Today I'm definitely going to finish this accessory, then I'll get to working on the next prop...!

You're really fired up~, I'll be cheering for you too. Buuut, when comparing the sketches and the physical product, isn't it different from "Valkyrie"s typical image?

Well yeah, it's Mika-chan's live performance, so of course all of Mika-chan's personality be on full display.

Yeah, in that case, it looks super-fresh…I don't know how to word it, but it's good.

Ehehe, it'd make me really happy if I could create something people would view that way. Since I've been thinking a bunch about what a stage decorated with my own special art would look like…

theres no

There's no way I could leave anything unfinished or careless. All I want is to take the best I can do and create something that will reach the hearts of the people that come to see it.

...If Mika-chan said he could do it, then I'm positive he can. If there's anything you want me to help you with, then please ask me.

Yeah. Thanks a bunch, but it's good enough to have your suggestions and you watching me.

I'll give it my all and make everything for the performance.

? Did someone's stomach rumble, just now?

Don't ask me. Are you hungry, Mao-chan?

Well, either way I was gonna buy something, but…

Nn? Kagehira, what're you looking away for?

Th...that was my stomach. Auuugh, that's so embarrassing! After all of that passion and presentation!

Ufufu, maybe you were too concentrated and got distracted. I think I can pay for Mika-chan's lunch so I can lend him a hand.

Kagehira, what do you want to eat? I was gonna go and take Arashi with me too.

Naa, you two don't have to trouble yourselves...!


Then, why not eat something made by me?


Yuzuru-chan, why are you cooking?

Oh, I see. It's because a few ingredients from the "DIY cooking course" are going to expire soon, right?

That's right. Even though there was a student council report, I supposed there was a small chance that some students wouldn’t choose the "DIY course" before the ingredients expired.

Therefore, after hearing what you all were saying, I figured I'd use them myself.

U-umm, thanks...but, are you sure?

It would make it so there's no food wasted, so why don't you just accept the kind gesture? If he's cooking from scratch, then he'll be able to make something that suits Mika-chan's tastes.

Since I've already made you lunch boxes before, I already know your food preferences. Please, leave this to me~

I'm sure the student council will be grateful. I'd honestly be happy eating anything you craft up.

Ufufu. Now then, please wait a few moments. I'll bring the food here to you when it's finished.

Y-yeah… sorry, everyone. For making you do all these things for my sake.

You want to get that prop done by the end of the day, right?

I'm gonna go give Yuzuru a hand, so you keep at it, Kagehira!

Everyone here wants to cheer you on, Mika-chan.

For that reason, at times like this you say "thank you".

Yeah...thank you, really. I'm gonna give it even more of my all to make something good for everyone!

That evening.

(...Oya? We found Mika-rin's bags ahead of us~ Back in our room, I saw lots of items that he's been making for his "feature live" coming up. I'll hold some for him because he's my roommate.)




Are you going back to the dorms? I’ll go with you, so let me carry some things.

Eh, are you sure? These are full of fabric from the art room, so they're pretty heavy.

It's fiiiine, it's fine. Two people are better than one, and three people are better than two. The load will be a lot lighter at that point.

So let's work together and take it easy in order to conserve energy.


Oiiii~ is that Corgi I see walking over there? Mika-rin's got trouble because he's carrying a lot of stuff, so help us come carry it~


Ahn? What's up with you?

You were on your way back anyways, Corgi, so make yourself useful for Mika-rin. He’s been working really hard for his "feature live" coming up.

I don't get it. Well, it's obvious you've got a lot of stuff, so I guess I'll help you carry it…

Naah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all the luggage!

Don't be so uptight, we're all headed to the same place. I'll take this heavy bag and...I'll take that bag for you.

Corgi can be such a gentleman. So then, Mika-rin, I'll pick up that handbag of yours.

Y-yeah...thanks, you two~...

Chapter 2

That evening, when it was just past noon in Paris.


—So? How is Kagehira's "feature live" progress coming along?

You were about to go see how he was doing? But it's already night time over there, you wouldn't be allowed at the dormitories at all, little girl.

Don't tell me, have you been working at the facility up until now? He's been working in the prop room at ES because you suggested it…fumu. The work environment does affect the work quality, so your concern is appreciated.

I'm planning to return in order to see Kagehira's "feature live" by any means necessary, but I'm so busy preparing an exhibit that I wouldn't be able to leave Paris until just before the performance. I didn't want to interrupt Kagehira, but it's still incredibly frustrating that I can only see glimpses of how things are going through you, little girl.

—I hope he's not too uptight about needing to stand on the stage by himself…Well, please take care and make sure you don't push yourself to work until late at night.

Also, if it's alright, I have a message for you.

and so

—And so, I want you to tell that to him. If you find that my words aren't needed, then you don't have to say anything.

...That's all I ask, little girl.


Nnnah! Who's there?!

I'm using this room right now. Once you're done with what you need to do then I'm gonna ask you to leave, sorr–

Nn, is that you, Anzu-chan? You surprised me...~ I got scared because I thought someone I didn't know came in here.

But enough about that, come take a look at this. The stuffed animal that I told you I'd stand on stage with, it's starting to come together now~

Thanks to you, Anzu-chan, I can use the prop room. I can spread everything out however I want, and it's nice and quiet in here so I can focus.

Yeah… hm? You're worried that I can't see well in here? I think it's perfect. The lamp has a dim light, which makes me feel relaxed and more able to work. I can't see too well in the dark but… on the other hand, maybe it's because I can only see what's in front of me that I'm more focused than ever.


Like this. If I carefully use the needle and thread, I can keep sewing a lot more… Fufu, I'm happy that Anzu-chan praised me for making a cute stuffed animal. I hope that you'll keep looking forward to the finished result, since I'll make sure that I sew it with care until the end.

...Eh, you want to take a photo of me sewing it? Ah, you want to use the picture for the "feature live" pamphlet? Since I left those things to Anzu-chan, I forgot all about it in the end.

Unn…the room is a mess. If anything, wouldn't it be hard to take a picture in such a dark place? Well, if Anzu-chan says it's okay, then I'll trust you. Please take a good picture of me.


...~ (Continues to sew the stuffed animal)

Unfufu, I'd say the stuffed animals are happy to hear that Anzu-chan thinks they're cute. On the day of the "feature live", let's do our best~


Unnn, I'm sorry I suddenly got all quiet. I'm trying not to think about it while I work, but I can get nervous in a split second. I ask myself how the live will turn out, and if I can even pull it off well.


Today, Naru-chan, Ritsu-kun. Ikkun, Yuu-kun, and even Oogami-kun all encouraged me.

They all told me they were looking forward to everything, and told me to do my best. I wonder if I can meet their expectations.

I was also hoping to see Oshi-san. Unnn, what would he even say? I wonder if I can make a stage that Oshi-san would recognize, be happy with, and praise. Even just a little bit.


Augh. I can't afford to back out now. On the day of the live, and even while I'm up on stage. I need to keep doing the best that I can–!

Nn? Anzu-chan, what's wrong? You have something you want to tell me?

I have an art form that only I can make, and you hope that I'll have confidence to devote myself to my work with pride… and it's the life that we put into each artwork and the stage that enraptures the audience and makes their hearts flutter—?

whats gotten

Ufufu, what's gotten into you all of a sudden? You're talking like Oshi-san, it's funny hearing you say it.

Nn? What do you mean by "Well, actually..."?! Nneh?! Was that a message from Oshi-san?!

Wait, hang on a sec, what does that mean? He was worried that it would disrupt me if he told me, so Oshi-san told Anzu-chan to relay the message?

Oh... what the hell... it's true that I've been avoiding making phone calls, since I was scared that when I heard his voice I'd get so nervous and determined that I'd get overwhelmed and dizzy, but...now I'm really in a good mood.


Oshi-san probably trusted Anzu-chan with the message because he was positive I can do this.

I'm going to shoo away my insecurities and only trust the words I've gotten from Oshi-san and everyone else!

Anzu-chan, please look forward to it!

as an

As an artist, and as an idol, I'm going to create a stage that nobody else can.