The "Runrun" Calamity

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The "Runrun" Calamity
After Rinne calls HiMERU a silly little nickname as usual, HiMERU is baffled when more people use the nickname on him and others...
Umeda Chitose
mello and shay

...Now then. I need to go hit up a new game soon~

Wait just a second, Amagi. This conversation isn't over yet.

Just ask me when I get back. Listen, I can't afford to let today's winning luck slip me by. Sooo, I'll catch ya later, Himerunrun!

...Good grief. Even when you do come back, the first thing you'll do is make a ruckus over what you're going to eat.

Actually, he used "Himerunrun" instead of "Merumeru", what was that? Why doesn't he just stop doing what he wants, not just with how he acts, but with what he calls others too--



(...? Someone's gaze can be felt from the shadows...the one staring at HiMERU from just behind the hallway corner is Ra*bits's...)

Tenma Mitsuru. HiMERU knows you're there.

Whawhat?! I'm shocked you could tell!

Your entire upper body was visibly peeking out. If you really wanted to observe your target in secret, you would need to hide better.

...Why don’t you tell HiMERU what you wanted from him?

Sure thing! Heyhey, I thought "Himerunrun" was super cute! Because of that, could I call you "Himerunrun-senpai" too?

Firstly, why do you ask?

Because I thought it was cute???

Also, I've been wondering what would be okay for me to call you since no one else around here has a name in English♪

Is that so. Please call HiMERU as you normally would and use "HiMERU", Tenma.

Ehh~. I can't call someone older than me that! Nn...then, I'll call you "HiME-chan-senpai"! Okay?'s uncomfortably odd, but it's alright. Since "Runrun" is too cheerful.

Really? It makes me feel like I'm skipping, and it really does make me feel cheerful so I like it! I wanna be "Mitsurunrun" too.

Sooo since HiME-chan-senpai is "Himerunun", I should be "Mitsurunrun" then, right?

Well, let's see. Since HiMERU's name ends in "--ru", we can guess that's the reason Amagi had given him the name.

If we use that logic on you, Tenma, then it wouldn't be wrong to use "Mitsurunrun".

Kyakya♪! I got the "green light"! I'm gonna spend the whole entire day as "Mitsurunrun"!

Instead of dashing home today, I think I'm gonna skip! Thanks, HiME-chan-senpai!

(...He sure did leave with a skip in his step. Besides that, how is he possibly going to spend his time as "Mitsurunrun"...?)

The next day.


A quick step, skip, and jump onto your back! Hello! Here's your very own Hibiki Wataru...newly renamed "Watarunrun"☆


Ufufu, did I startle you? When I jumped, I overshot my momentum and went a little too far, didn't I?

...Hibiki-senpai, hello there. Did you need something from HiMERU?

Nooo? For today, I'm not "Hibiki-senpai", but "Watarunrun"~


Yesterday, I ran into Tenma-kun skipping happily down the hallway, but yesterday he was not Tenma-kun.

He was "Mitsurunrun"...?

Correct~! You're a genius, "Himerunrun"-san♪. And so, as someone whose name also ends with "--ru", I followed his lead and became "Watarunrun"!

(That logic is ridiculous.)

And because I became "Watarunrun", Subaru-kun also became "Subarunrun"~. We had a really fun time in our dorm room last night.

I tried calling Butler-san "Yuzurunrun" to initiate him into our group, but he refused with a beaming smile, you know?

(Of course he would, who would want to involve themselves in something like this.)

How are you feeling, "Himerunrun"-san? Does your heart flutter whenever you're called "Himerunrun"?

Um, no. HiMERU's heart doesn't flutter, and HiMERU's name is "HiMERU", so please continue to use that.

HiMERU is nothing but "HiMERU", so there will be trouble if other names are used.

Fumu, is that so? From an actor's perspective, it's a great pleasure to treasure the relationships formed with each role♪

(Nothing about it seems pleasurable, but HiMERU will leave it at that. Remaining in Seisou Hall will only make it more likely to run into more people. It would be better to go somewhere to relax...)




(Even if this was just some sort of coincidence, this outcome of people is way too ridiculous. HiMERU has a feeling the other person is looking for a way out, too.)

Ahaha...sorry for being so on guard, Hi-"Himerunrun"-kun. I was just thinking how hard it must be for you, so I didn't know how to come up with a greeting.

Hakaze-senpai, even you know about that name floating around.

Well, last night they turned me into "Kaorunrun". I had to be a part of it or else I'd look like the loner that can't read the room, right?

That's not any of HiMERU's fault, but apologies for getting caught up in it anyway. HiMERU will get to the bottom of this and also talk to the person that started it...



Oh, it's Merumeru♪ Are you here for lunch?

Isn't it late for that? Well, I'm having lunch right now too.

Whatcha eating Merumeru, hayashi rice[2]? If it's good, then I'll order it too. Gimme a bite~

Don't try to take a bite without asking. Anyway, you used "Merumeru" today. HiMERU thought Amagi only used it once and that was it.

Nn? Merumeru has always been Merumeru, hasn't he? Well, since you paid so much attention to it, that means Merumeru has approved of the name "Merumeru", right~?

Y'know, you've been reeeaaal quiet about it these past few days. I'd say you like it♪

This is only because it's a choice out of a very few amount of options. So don't get carried away with it.

HiMERU is HiMERU. In the future please refrain from adding any additional ridiculous names.

You say that, but I was actually thinking that it's time for a new name. Just to shake things up?

just merumeru

That's not it! ...Anyway, to avoid any and all unnecessary trouble, Merumeru is fine. Just Merumeru.

Seriously, why is it that you try to take amusement in HiMERU? It'd be better if you didn't treat it like a joke.

Translation Notes

  1. 1.The japanese onomatopoeia for “staaaare”, when someone is staring intently at another, like they have something to say.
  2. 2.This is a dish where there's rice with a sauce containing beef and a few vegetables are poured on top.