HAMA Tours received a request for individuals to participate in a cosplay event in mahorova. The team selected to participate consisted of Kuguri, Nanaki, Kinari, Nagi, and Ushio. However, the group faces unexpected creative differences while presenting cosplay ideas...
After believing in the "God of Gambling" just a little too much, Rinne lost big time. While spending days off entertaining himself, Hiyori asks him to pet-sit.
Wanting to talk to him about his personalized outfit, Anzu approaches Rinne to brainstorm. Rinne, however, thinks that the best way to get to know someone is to go on a date. With nothing left to lose, they end up going into the city...
HiMERU is preparing for his return to Shuutetsu Acadamey. When Anzu catches wind of this, she decides she wants to photograph him dressed in his school uniform...
When spending some time with Crazy:B as usual, HiMERU catches wind of Anzu trying to look for inspiration for his personalized outfit, and decides to investigate...