Come, Toward the Sound of Applause

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While out trying to research hidden gems in the HAMA area, Momiji catches sight of Kuguri. Little did she know of the hectic day that was in store...
Kuguri, MC (Momiji), Tao, Chihiro, Raito, Kinari

Note! I play the game with Momiji, the female MC, so the dialogue may differ slightly from what you’d get if you played with the male MC! Also, sorry for the image quality in advance I am quite literally just transferring everything from tumblr.

Chapter 1


(As I thought, it really was a good idea to come out into the city today. There are more new shops than last time I came here for research!)

(I want to gather intel on hidden gems for HAMA Tours too.)

Alright, the next spot is…huh?

(Over in the crowd there, is that Kuguri-san?)

Ah…Kuguri-san, you dropped your handkerchief!

…Aaand he’s gone.

(Actually, Kuguri-san has always been the type to disappear out of the blue. I don’t have any idea what he does on his days off.)

(Even on one of the more recent days off, Kuguri-san wasn’t there and everyone in the evening shift didn’t know where he was.)

Flashback Start


Eh? You’re wondering what Kugurin does on his days off? Tsk, I have noooo clue. What about you Taotao?

Me neither…I look away from him for a second, and he’s gone.

Yes. Additionally, if you do ask him where he’s gone, he never confesses anything.

Commencing search for “Possible Activities on Domeki Kuguri’s Day Off”.

—Relevant information unavailable. I can conduct additional research, if you’d like, master?

Flashbback End

(I’m pretty curious…and I still need to give him back his handkerchief, so I’ll follow him!)

I think he went this way…


There he is! Oiiiii, Kuguri-saaaaan…!

(From this distance, he should be able to hear me. That’s weird.)

Kuguri-san, please wait!

(He totally didn’t notice me…)

Huh? I never knew there was a cafe here. I smell coffee…

Oya. Hello, youngun. Are you on a walk?

Hey there, lány[1]. It’s good to see you’re well.

It’s all thanks to you. See for yourself, I do my daily squats!

Anyhoo…you always look so wonderful in your outfits. Where do you buy them?

That’s a secret.

You always seem to want to pry into my business every time you see me, lány. Is it…that you like me?

Oh my! Don’t tease your elders now…what about coffee? Would you like some?


Nope, I have plans later. I’ll stop by to visit another time.

(Ah, he’s leaving. I have to catch up!)

This place…I’ve never been here before.

(Looks like there’s a bunch of stores selling handcrafted clothes and accessories here. It’s fun just looking at them.)

Kyaaah! Kuguri?! I-I-I-I can’t believe we’re meeting in a place like this!

Crap, my phon–No, shouldn’t I admire him with my naked eye first?! Wh-wh-what do I do?!

Do whatever you like. What do you want to do with me?

I want to turn into a wall and stare at you…!

(Subject aside, it looks like Kuguri-san can hold normal conversations with people.)

—It’s time. Bye now, until fate brings us together again.

(This isn’t the time to be surprised. I need to catch up before I lose him!)

more img

Pant, pant

(I’ve been running around in so many circles, I’m starting to lose steam.)

(Not only that, but Kuguri-san walks so fast. I have to keep my stride or else I’ll lose sight of him…!)

(Ah, there! He’s looking this way. Maybe he finally noticed me this time…)


(…No way. It was on purpose.)

(He noticed I was chasing him and he’s been running away on purpose this whole time!)

So frustrating…but if that’s how it’s gonna be, then I’ll catch up no matter what…!

Chapter 2


(…Why, did it end up like this?)

(I got lost along the way. I lost sight of Kuguri-san for just a split second. All because I dropped my phone…!)

Oi, are you listening? That’s the person who bumped into me! I’ll make you pay up double!

(I’m getting caught up in something again–!!)

We’ve been eating out too much, so we’ve drained Aniki’s Pay balance down to zero. At this rate, we’ll end up having to walk all the way back to Chiba. Wouldn’t that be a shame?

Th-that’s probably better for your health…

(He grabbed my arm, and there’s no one around to call for help…this isn’t good.)

(I need to get out of here, but I’m at a 2v1 disadvantage–)


That’s enough. Can’t you tell you and your wild behavior is ruining the city’s scenery?

Huuuh? The hell's up with you? Get out of my way!

Oh, it seems like you’re deaf too.

Or are you doing this on purpose to annoy me?

Hah? Don’t spout nonsense you–gh!

Wha…my punch…he caught it? Wh-what’s with this guy…h-he didn’t even flinch!

Fine. If that’s how you want it…I’ll stick around until you’re sobbing and begging for forgiveness.

There’s lots of ways to tame a dog. Maybe after “shake”, I’ll teach you to “sit”?

Tch…fine, I’ll give you back your phone! Next time I see you, you’d better pay up!

Better remember that!

What a cliche exit. If you’re going to throw around insults, at least make it more exciting.

(Did Kuguri-san…just come to my rescue?)

Oya, what are you doing around here? Cicá[2].

No, you had to have noticed I’ve been following you this whole time.

Fufu…Once I saw your cheerful face I really couldn’t help but play a bit.

Congrats on reaching your goal. —Are you going to return that handkerchief to me now?

(So he really did drop it on purpose!)

It was such a fun time being under your watchful eye, cicá. What a nice date.

It wasn't a date…

Oya, you still aren’t satisfied? How greedy of you, cicá.

Well then, how about a real date?


Think of it as a “thank you” for returning what’s mine. I’ll take you somewhere nice. Now, come.

Ah, w-wait…!


(I didn’t think there’d be a bar in a place like this. The ambiance and interior design are so nice.)

Welcome back, Domeki-sama.

Hey there. As usual, table for two.

(I wonder if he’s a regular here. Seems like he knows the owner…)

I’ll treat you to a glass of my favorite Hungarian wine today, cicá.

Th-that’s alright. I can pay for it myself.

(Kuguri-san treating me, it’s kinda scary…)

Ah…Kuguri-san, your hand is hurt.

Oh. Maintenance[3] was done on it today, but I suppose it's because of those delinquents from earlier.

This isn’t a big deal. Having scratch marks left on your body is a cute kind of resistance.

…It’s because you protected me. I’m so sorry.

Not only that, but I haven’t thanked you for that yet either. So, thank you for helping me.

Hm. I’m not so sure I know what you’re talking about.

Buuut, if you’re trying to say that I was injured because of you…then you should be able to accept me treating you, no?

…I guess so. I’ll be in your care then.

Good girl, cicá.

Thank you for waiting. Enjoy.

Thank you…oh, this is really good!

Isn’t it? Tokay[4] wine has a smooth flavor and it’s quite easy to drink.

This bar certainly doesn’t disappoint when it comes to Hungarian wine.

(Today was a rollercoaster…but I think I’ve seen a different side of Kuguri-san that I couldn’t see before.)


Wh-what is it?

You were looking for hidden gem spots in HAMA today, no?

I’ve tried to share a few places myself…but I find this particular bar to be my favorite.

You can show it off all you’d like, but let’s keep the wine as our little secret, alright?

G-got it.

(Oh. Wait a second.)

(Kuguri-san knew what I was up to this whole time? I didn’t tell anyone about my research either!)

Mhm, delicious. Tonight’s drink seems especially exquisite.

(…Nevermind. Kuguri-san really is a mystery.)

Translation Notes

(1): Hungarian for girl/lady/etc
(2): How Kuguri refers to the MC; meaning “kitten” in Hungarian
(3): When Kuguri mentions performing maintenance, he is referring to his prosthetic arms
(4): A type of Hungarian wine.