Take a Chance

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Ch. 1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6

Chapter 1



I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling! Hurry up and open the parachute already!

Huh, my words aren't getting through at all! I’m done for, this is seriously the end!

Uwaaa--Ah, it finally opened! What a scare~ This just took 5 years off my lifespan!

(Uuugh, why me…)

(All of this is Rinne-kun’s fault!)

Flashback, around 10 hours ago.


Thanks for waiting~ Everyone is here, right?

Ah, Niki-han. Are you almost done with work?

Yeah, sorry for running late. It’s been a super hectic day since we launched a new menu. I can finally catch my breath.

Anyway, what was the “big offer” you guys brought up yesterday?

Ever since you mentioned it on HoldHands I’ve been curious about it.

Oh, that. Amagi still hasn’t gotten here yet.

? But, isn’t it past our scheduled meeting time?

That’s odd~ I mean it’s Rinne-kun, so I thought he’d be here at Cinnamon playing mahjong already.

Yes. Being the only one late after calling everyone here is a bit self centered…

However, this wouldn’t be the first time that man has caused trouble. We can just sit and chat while Shiina has a break.

It can’t be helped. I’ve got my food, so I’ll eat while I wait.

Today’s meal is a burger bowl. I need to enjoy it’s rich taste quick before Rinne-kun comes along and ruins it~



Thanks for the meaaaaal~!

–Huh what?! Rinne-kun?!

Wait, Rinne-kun!? What awful timing! Were you seriously just hiding out and waiting so that you could eat my burger?!

When it comes to your meals you really are on edge, huh? I literally just got here.

Anyways, now that we’re all here let’s hurry and get started.

Y’all got 30 minutes to get ready~

Hah? Just what are you suddenly going on about…

We haven’t got the slightest idea what we’re even getting ready for.

Gyahaha, can’t you just tell by looking at me?

Cuz I’ve got my luggage bag here full of my hopes and dreams~

No, I really can’t tell…?

Hm~ Maybe it’s still too early in the day for you Kohaku-chan~ Don’t freak out, but the new job offer we’ve got is overseas!

Anzu-chan showed me a tour job with an unknown destination! Doesn’t that just sound like the perfect job for Crazy:B?



…Hm. On such short notice.

Amagi, do you even have a passport?

Shiina has gone abroad to gather ingredients, and Oukawa has gone abroad to attend “IFF”[1]. So, that would leave you being the only one with no experience abroad, Amagi.

It’s hardly been a day since the offer was extended to us, so your passport couldn’t have been issued on the same day, correct?

You’ve got a point…I’ve only got mine made since I was invited to “IFF”s award ceremony, but I don’t think Rinne-han’s had much experience overseas.

Gyahaha~ You guys are thinking way too hard about this, aren’t you?

Japan’s got no casinos. I made a passport just in case I needed to go to the land of casinos one day, that’s all~


So we’re not getting this job for professional reasons, Rinne-kun. It sounds to me like a cheesy dream to go overseas to advance as an idol or something, right~?

Isn’t it the opposite? With Crazy:B’s past track record, it’s good that we’re getting a job offer overseas right? Mind you, we are a unit that’s only been around for less than a year.

Getting a job offer from Japan to go overseas should be a dream job for us!

I have no hopes or dreams.

Well, dreams can’t really make me hungry can they~ I get it. I should probably start packing now, shouldn’t I?

It’s not too busy anymore, so I’ve got no issue telling my boss that I’m taking a leave from work for a bit.

Is that really okay, Niki-han?

It’s kinda unfair, since your shift isn’t really over until later in the day. You shouldn’t force yourself to cram everything.

Nyahaha. We’re being pulled into another one of Rinne-kun’s ideas again~ At least that’s what I think.

But, but! If we’re going abroad then this is something completely different! If all our travel expenses are paid for, then I can just be on the search for more ingredients right?

It’s super handy if this combines both my hobbies and work and it's free!

Ah…right. I guess it is kinda motivating when a job is convenient isn’t it?

Well, Niki-han, you’ve always been the type to prefer dangos over flowers[2]. Even if I brought you a bit of a sweet treat and accidentally hurt ya, you wouldn’t be angry with me…


But, I should probably hurry and get my stuff ready.

This is Rinne-han we’re talking about after all. He won’t take no for an answer will he?

–HiMERU supposes so. Given Crazy:B’s tendency to be explosive, he has no place interfering with our work.

HiMERU would also like to offer some advice to you, Amagi, since your experience with going abroad is limited. Please be sure to bring your passport, outfits, and an ID that can be used abroad.

There’s no telling where we’ll be going, but if we end up somewhere pertaining to idol work then we should be able to obtain anything needed for that locally.

Thank yew, that’s what Crazy:B’s all about~

The dice has been thrown. Let’s all say hi to the Goddess of Fate for our first ever overseas trip~

Chapter 2

proofread by shay, pit, and eve

Back in the present, after skydive landing.


Augh…hah! Ah, I thought I was a goner!

Back then, I was totally an idiot for being tempted by foreign ingredients!

I’m not doing something crazy like this again unless I’m getting super rare ingredients, like ones that only grow on cliffs or something!

Are you…serious…

Alright, we had a pretty fun skydive~

Now! Let’s all get amped up for “Number Eight”, our overseas job!

“Number Eight”?

What a clever name~. Were we called here since “bee” and “eight” are the same?[3]

Number Eight...HiMERU is familiar with it.

Are you perhaps referring to the TV program that was once a hit?

Contestants were given a special die made by the program, and were tasked with reaching the goal with instructions from the die before the timer ran out.

It’s rumored that the show was discontinued due to its reckless nature and lack of contestants. How is it still relevant?

As expected of ya, Merumeru. Unlike a certain someone that’s only got food on the brain, you actually know about the industry~

Wh–? You’re not talking about me, are you?

Hm~? Paranoid much?


Niki aside, let’s keep talking.

After we participated in “The Minotaur’s Labyrinth” some old producer noticed how well we did and offered Crazy:B a chance to participate.

A special episode to bring it back to its prime! We’ve even got a chance to go abroad!

Buuut, whatever the die says, goes! We’re in the hands of fate… ~

How’s that? It’s just the job for us, dontcha think?

—Hm. HiMERU understands now.

So, the helicopter staff didn’t descend with us.

In older TV programs, the staff followed the contestants to record; but now handheld video cameras have improved.

There’s a car over there, so that probably means we should get in. It’s parked too obviously for it to mean anything else.

…Waitwaitwait, what’s up with that? That’s not a foreign car, is it?

By the looks of it, it’s simply an ES branded car.

There has to be more than that. A convertible, with the wheel on the left-side, would be more suited for something like this!

I won’t lie, that’s a little disappointing. It just doesn’t have that foreign vibe.


Please look. There are multiple cameras supplied in the car. They’re most likely what they want us to use for filming.

There’s also a change of clothes…HiMERU isn’t sure how they retrieved them, but they’re Crazy:B’s practice clothes.

Even the die, which is meant to be the program’s symbol, is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they wanted us to use some of the applications on the tablet they left in the car?

That could be it. The tablet only has a few apps.

Oh right, we had to leave our phones with the staff back when we were leaving Japan.

In other words, Number Eight won’t let us use any maps.

In the older versions of the program, the contestants had to travel without the aid of a map. HiMERU supposes this is a more modernized version of that restriction.

However, Number Eight was originally a difficult variety show with comedians as the contestants.

The premise of directions written on the die is what was deemed as “reckless”–hopefully, that aspect of the program has been updated to modern compliance standards as well.


Comp–kelp[4]? Sounds like the name of an all-new spice.

Compliance. If the game is too punishing, then the audience will surely be displeased.

But even if it wasn’t a matter of legality, HiMERU would like for them to give us leeway.

Thinking that far ahead are ya?

It’s no fun if we spend too much time chit-chatting. Let’s hurry and roll the dice already.

Fine by me. I’m already getting hungry, so I wanna get out of here soon.

Who wants to roll first? If nobody wants to, then I can.

Oh right. It would suck if it landed on the wrong side and put you in a bad mood, Niki.

At that point you just gotta take the blame! So go ahead and take the first shot at it, will ya?

Alright. Just leave it to me…~

The first challenge is…here!


“Enjoy a lunch abroad”. Hm, it seems Shiina’s wish was granted, and the initial stakes were more forgiving.

Why don’t we drive to a more populated area first?

Right on! Leave the wheel to me!

I got an international driver’s license so that I could hit up a casino whenever I want~

Your obsession with gambling is insufferable.

Huu~uh? Did you say something, Niki-kyun?

Surely you don’t want to defy me, do you? I’m the only one with a license, y’know. Did you want to take this trip on foot~?

N-no way! I really don’t!

Ugh. If I’d known Rinne-kun would be holding my life in his hands[5], then I never would’ve agreed to this job…!

Ahn? Did you say something, Niki?

If you’ve got no more complaints left, then let’s go. First stop, “Getting some lunch”!

Chapter 3

proofread by shay

Fifteen minutes later.

niki hum


…Are we there yettttt~? I’m already starving!

Quit your whining. We just got on the road. Don’t start yapping like that to me for another hour or so.

More importantly, how about you two back there? Have you figured out how to put that tablet to good use?

--Yes. There appears to be a document stating the outline of the project in one of the applications. Similar to an instructional guide.

Looking at what the document says, this tablet supplied by “Number Eight” has two primary functions.

Firstly, an application to roll a die.

It’s monitored so that once the die has been thrown, it can’t be thrown again until the previous objective has been completed.

The die has twelve sides…a dodecahedron.

It’s also written that by completing the objective at hand, we’ll be rewarded.

The rewards can be anything from a beneficial service, money, or even additional applications to the tablet. However–

It also supplies clues in order to complete the bigger goal.

We have a 24 hour time limit. If we reach the goal point safely within the allotted time frame, we’ll be rewarded with the ability to perform a new song in new outfits live.


That reminds me, wasn’t our last reward in “The Minotaur's Labyrinth” a new song too? Do they just think that if they dangle a new song over our heads we’re gonna be desperate to grab it?

I personally want a nice big meal over performing a new song live.

Just think of it as work then, Shiina. By getting paid “L$”, you’ll be able to buy the food you’d like.

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy most of the things people want to become happy–that’s the entire premise of capitalism.

I’ve got a grip on how the rules work now. What about the other function you mentioned?

It’s a communication function. Though it looks like it’s solely provided for emergency purposes.

For instance, if there is an issue with filming, then we could contact the staff–or they could contact us.

Hmm…? Seems like it’s not a half bad plan to keep beloved idols safe. Will they just end up doing a little extra if they don’t have enough shots?

Probably. That was the purpose of “Number Eight” to begin with.

At any rate, those are the functions of the tablet. All that’s left is to take the car and get to the goal.

Yup. It would’ve been useful if that thing came with a map or something, but it’s fine.

I spent such a long time back at my hometown in nature that I’ll be able to find our way around without a map or GPS.

We’ll be there in no time~

Half an hour later.

rinne hum

~♪ ~♪


Hm, what’s up? Gonna shower me with how hungry you are again?

No, I wasn’t planning to.

It’s just that it’s been a while since we’ve last seen anyone. Is that okay? We’re not completely lost are we?

And how, exactly, could I get lost without a map?

We’re driving through a pretty open expanse of foreign land.

It’s no good if you can’t even put up with it this long, y’know.[6]

Agreed. In fact, it would be a good thing if we arrived in an hour.

Pray to Buddha all you’d like, Shiina, but it’d be best to sit a bit longer and be patient given you’re the one with the most experience overseas.

No no no! I’m just about ready to eat grass at this point!

Ah, there’s a bit of tumbleweed over there!

God, would you quit being so fussy already? What are you, four?

Jeez, even you’re being careless, Niki. Why didn’t you bring emergency food if you knew something like this would end up happening?


Obviously I brought some! I just ate it all on the bus and plane rides here!

Rinne-kun, you’re underestimating my appetite. You’ll feel hungry as long as you’re alive~

I guess we really should’ve seen this coming, huh?


Uwah! Don’t look at me like that, Rinne-kun! Look! Keep your eyes on the road!

There may be a cloud of uncertainty[7] at the moment since we haven’t completed the objective at hand.

However, Shiina may be right.

It seems like not knowing when we’re going to arrive is causing a bit of anxiety.

When we do arrive, it would be in our best interest to buy a map with the voucher we have in the car.


Yeah. I’d rather not be in the kind of situation where I can’t use the Internet to know where I’m going.

There’s a bunch of tumbleweeds around here…the kind of tumbleweeds you’d see in western movies. In other words, this is probably America.

We can’t rule Mexico out either.

Wherever we are, we’re just gonna have to keep following the road. We’re bound to hit some kind of town eventually.

…Look, we’re already starting to see road signs.

Town’s ten kilometers away…looks like we’re finally getting somewhere.

Yeah, our luck is starting to change for the better!

I can’t wait~! Step on it, Rinne-kun!

I’m already on it.

Just you wait, my gluttonous fiend, we’ll get that lunch in you soon…~

Chapter 4

proofread by shay


Mogu mogu~ Ah, the coast is clear[8]...

Speaking of coasts, the west coast is famous for their chili dogs~ I’m gonna eat a bunch!

It’s good to see that you’re having your fill.

I had no idea that we ended up on America’s west coast. When I came here for “IFF”, I was on the east coast, so seeing a different environment is pretty interesting.

Both coasts are thousands of kilometers apart, it’s definitely unlike the landscape of Japan.

In fact, the distance is so far apart that it’s not possible to travel the distance in a day. We should be glad to have been able to get lunch within an hour.

Yeah. We got a GPS as our reward for clearing the objective, too. It’ll make it a lot easier to find our way around now, right?

Besides that, our biggest problem is the die. Just because our first objective was pretty easy to clear since all we had to do was push through, that doesn’t mean the second one’s gonna be just as simple.

I’ll throw the die this time. You guys better start begging God for something good…~

Here I go…Click~!

“Snap a photo with a polaroid”...? I didn’t even know those old things were still around nowadays.

Did they leave one for us in the trunk?

Not that I can remember. I checked the trunk once we got here, but didn’t see any signs of one.


I don’t remember seeing one either. I was looking for food, so I don’t think I saw anything else?

–Meaning, we could interpret our next objective as “Find someone to snap a photo with a polaroid”.

Luckily, HiMERU can speak a bit of English. Shall we try to ask some of the locals?

I have full faith in my body language! I can try to find something by gesturing too!

Yeah. Thanks.

…Buuuut, is this really okay? How “Number Eight” is going?

We’ve been getting pretty mellow objectives ‘til now. It’s a lot different from how “The Minotaur’s Labyrinth” ended up.

There’s not even a hint of the good-ol non-compliant “Number Eight”.

Yeah. We’re not being chased by any raging bulls or anything. I guess something crazy won’t happen just because we’re abroad.

We’re talking about the show with rumors that it “got so careless it lost cast members” spread around. If it was gonna be changed to fit modern rules, it’d probably be like this.


HiMERU, for one, thinks it couldn’t be better.

It’s almost as if they’re giving an easier chance for “Crazy:B” to perform live.

It’s unknown if the remaining objectives will have something akin to how “Number Eight” performed in the past, but if it remains like this then winning will be simple.

Yep! I feel like all the hard work we put in is finally paying off~

Ah, Owner-san. Could I get another “chiridoggu” for “teiku-auto”? Another “oudaa puriizu”[9]~! (Thumbs up)

Huh? That’s a hamburger though! I was hungry for a chili dog!

Whatever happened to “having full faith in your body language”?

Well, I guess there’s no point in rushing. Let’s see if there’s somewhere the four of us can stay for a bit. Maybe one of the locals will be kind enough to let a few traveling strangers in~?

I’ll go grab one of the cameras from the car so that we can get some footage as we go.

–Still, a photograph…

Is it wrong for HiMERU to be a bit concerned that this is coming a little too easily?

my nerves are also shot

Nyahaha! I don’t think so! We’ve just been through so much that our nerves are shot!

Hm. It is hard to believe that the TV industry, which in itself is willing to put performers through torture, would leave the continuation of a program to a few idols.

(--Apart from that, if it turns out that nothing happens and there isn’t any footage taken, it would mean a harsh blow to Crazy:B.)

(As long as there’s enthusiasm in the project, then anything included will suffice. However, the moment that enthusiasm dissipates, there's nothing that can be done.)

(It sounds like something from a horror story, but that’s just the fact of the matter.)

(Producers, staging crew, and other behind the scenes staff lose their passion to make their project’s exterior look good, and the end result is a loss of enthusiasm.)

(It’s something that happens within the entertainment industry all too often.)

(...It’s hard to think that “Number Eight” would even be that kind of program, but it’s another risk entirely to just follow along the whims of the production team.)

(If it gets to the point where there isn’t enough footage, then Amagi will just stir something up as he always does. It’d be best to keep that in mind.)

(Worst comes to pass, we'll be the only ones to fend for ourselves.)

Chapter 5

proofread by shay

Thirty minutes later.


Thank you, Mister!

We weren’t really here to give out any chili dogs, but thanks for taking our picture~!

We had to give up a chili dog for it, but it looks like we’ve cleared our objective.

Oh. The tablet’s sayin’ “GET Reward!” on the screen. What in the world is it gonna be?

300 bucks worth of credits. That’ll be enough to cover Niki’s food costs, won’t it?

Be a little grateful, will ya, Niki? The program was reeeaaal careful in making sure you don’t starve.

What’s with your tone? It’s oddly accusatory.

But I’m right. Just how many chili dogs did you eat earlier? Don’t you think it was enough to blow through our budget?

Gulp…W-well, can’t really argue that.

Looks like it’ll be a good idea to save it just in case we run into trouble. That money might come in handy later.

HiMERU agrees with Oukawa. Since we’re traveling in an unfamiliar land, it’s always wise to keep some extra money on hand.


However, we have no time to lose. Let’s open the next objective and some clues to arrive at the goal quickly.

Who should roll the die next? Shiina and Amagi have both already had one roll, so HiMERU or Oukawa should roll it now.

Right. I’ll take a swing at it.

The next objective is…“Leave a review for the town’s local specialty”?

Hmm~. That's a pretty average task. Wish I could’ve gotten something a bit better.

HiMERU-han said “Number Eight” was revamped to be more modern, but does that mean it’s only gonna stay like this?



–It’s nothing. HiMERU was simply shocked by the amount of simple objectives we keep receiving. He doesn’t mean to sound anxious. However, there is a notable difference from “The Minotaur's Labyrinth”.

The rush he felt while skydiving has completely faded now, so it’s starting to feel like “Crazy:B” has been shackled.

Wouldn’t you think so, Amagi?


Me? No, I don’t really think so.

…Oh, I see how it is, I see~

“Crazy:B is supposed to be the troublemaker unit! The Crazy:B we know would neeever listen all obediently to the higher-ups!" That’s what you’re trying to say, riiiight~?

Gyahaha! Now you’re starting to say that too, Merumeru! You’re definitely the one who understands Crazy:B the most!

Who are you calling “understanding”.

…At any rate, it seems like it was just HiMERU’s concern.

If you’re usually the first person to question something like this, but you’re also keeping quiet, then HiMERU has nothing left to add.

Now then, let’s attempt the objective of buying the local specialties. Shall we ask the locals what exactly it is they recommend?

Yup~ Should we ask the guy who took our picture?

But that guy’s been drinking the whole day, so I don’t think he’d be able to understand what I’m trying to say.

But he seemed like a pretty nice guy, so it wouldn’t hurt to try asking him, would it?

It would only be trouble if he tried offering me a drink, but I don’t think he’d give any to minors.

…Alllllright, then y’all go on ahead and take care of this for me!

? What’s up, Rinne-kun…?

Are you skipping out on doing this objective with us just because you don’t wanna talk to people?! I won’t forgive you if that’s how it is!


Oioi~ You’ve known me for a while, so wouldn’t you get it? I’m just going to the bathroom.

So I’ll leave you guys to take care of that objective of reviewing the locals’ specialties! Toodles!

W-Wait, Rinne-kun! Don’t just run off without asking!

…Jeez. Rinne-kun’s such an annoying guy isn’t he…~ Of course he’d try to escape doing the work by making up excuses like needing to go to the bathroom.

HiMERU wonders about that.

Throughout his childhood, Amagi was raised to become a chief. That sense of responsibility he was raised with can be observed through “Number Eight” as well.

True. He’s been this way since MDM–No, even before that.

This show was supposed to be a pretty big hit, but all its punch has been taken out and it turned out to be a safer thing. I wonder if Rinne-han has any ideas about it.

Mmmm, I dunno…~

“Number Eight” is a pretty average and plain show now, but Rinne-kun would probably like it that way.


That’s why I think that he made an excuse to slack off! I’ll put 10 bucks on that!

You think so, Niki? I’ll take those 10 bucks then~

Wh?! Y-You're back!

Oioi, don’t look like you’ve been fooled by a tanuki[10]. Is it because you’re the one that’s been caught slacking off on the objective that you look all pale~?

Is that it? Or were you waiting for me to finish using the bathroom because you felt lonely without me~?

No. We were simply worried that something had happened, Amagi.

Gyahaha, there’s no point in you guys worrying over me. Get back to work, get to it~

I don’t want Rinne-kun to be the only one telling me that.

C’mon, c’mon! Let’s get a move on, we don’t have time to lose!

Let’s hurry up and finish this next objective so we can keep enjoying our journey across America~!

Chapter 6

An hour later.


HiMERU-kun. I finished setting up all the local specialties! I’m gonna start reviewing them now, so you’ve got the OK to start rolling~!

Fufu. HiMERU has already begun filming. Go ahead, please don’t worry.

Eeeh, since when?! Have you just been filming me setting up all this food this whole time?!

Yes. HiMERU was able to record the entirety of you carefully decorating the food, Shiina.

So long as we don’t have a filming crew, we should continuously record in order to make the program a success. Shiina, your struggles ended up being a nice shot.

If that was the case then you should’ve said something! I wanted to show it all off in one go~!

Koh koh koh~. I think you can figure something out when you get to editing.

Still. This all looks really good, even if it’s just meant for a food review. It almost sucks that you gotta eat it.

Nono. I prepared it so that I could eat it after, y’know! Not being able to eat it after isn’t the goal!

I didn’t want people to think badly of the local specialties just because I slacked off either, so I gave this my all!


Alright, alright. Seems like this is moving along swimmingly, isn’t it? Now all that’s left is to dig in~

Niki eats a tasty meal, and we’ll be taking the shots!

With that, we’ll be able to make a solid video and we’ll clear the objective!

As expected of the directors~, they’ve been doing a pretty good job with giving us clear directions, right?

But, I would’ve appreciated it more if they helped out with buying some of these specialties.

You don’t work, you don’t eat. Got that, Niki?

I spent our precious savings on all this, now it's your job to put in the legwork!

Jeez. Rinne-kun is always so bossy…

Well it’s fine. As long as I have a good meal, then nothing else could make me happier!

Thanks for the meeeaaal! Om! Nom nom…~

Merumeru, are you filming this? We can’t do any retakes, so take this carefully alright~?

HiMERU knows that already. It’s all in frame, so don’t worry.

Kohaku-chan, could you shine some light down on Niki’s face here? The sun’s going down so it’s getting a bit dark.


Niki-han’s face, huh… Ummm, like this?

I didn’t really think we’d be trying to copy a real filming set with a white cloth just because we didn’t have a reflector[11]. I have no idea if the shot’s gonna look any good.

That’s when you leave it to The Great Amagi Rinne-kun’s talents!

Mogumogu, thank you for the food!

Right, so that’s the shooting. I think we’ve definitely cleared the objective now, right?

The tablet’s…yup. Looks like we cleared it.

I don’t know who’s watching us out there, but I’m glad they are.

Mhm! Looks like the reward is some more money! Not only does it pay back for everything we spent on specialties earlier, but it looks like we’ll even have a little left over for some dinner too!

Don’t jump to thinking about food just yet, Shiina. We received the next objective despite HiMERU not rolling the die.


“???”...What the?

I think there might be something wrong with the application~...I don’t have a clue what it could be!

There was a button on the tablet for emergencies, perhaps we should use it.

The “Number Eight” staff have yet to appear, so HiMERU doubts they’ll respond.

Since meeting them was Anzu-san’s arrangement, HiMERU doesn’t expect they would treat us idols so carelessly.

...Hold it. Guys, look over there.

“There”? At what? I can’t see anything.

Did you forget? We parked our car in front of that restaurant to eat lunch, remember?

Since then, we haven’t moved the car anywhere, right?

Yeah, but…huh?

That’s weird, where’s our car…?

Rinne-han. If I’m not wrong, then this is a sign saying “This is it”.

So that’s how it is. Until this point we’ve been given typical on site shooting objectives, and the moment we lowered our defenses, they hit us with this–and that’s how they’ve set this up.

Yup. Looks like our magnificent iron steed[12] that took us everywhere was taken from us.

I’m guessing this is where “Number Eight” really begins. I get it now…~

directory | previous

Translation Notes

(1): Short for “Idol Film Festival”! This was the festival that took place during the movie “Road to Show”, and it's been referenced in Spring Evenings Respite too!

(2): An idiom basically meaning that something doesn’t have to look good for it to actually be good. It’s a bit of an optimistic expression!!

(3): Homophone! “Eight” and “bee” in japanese are both pronounced “hachi”! This kind of reference has been hat-tipped a few times in enstars, but one of the most memorable to me is the fact that Crazy:B’s TRIP album campaign ended on 08.08.2023 !!

(4): Niki here is trying to echo HiMERU saying “compliance”/“konpuraiansu” (written in ktkn), but ended up thinking he meant “kelp”/”konbu”. so in the textbox he’s like “konpu…konbu?”

(5): 生殺与奪の権を握る - literally meaning “holding power over life and death” but figuratively means “to have full power over a person”. Someone might use this expression to say something like “don’t let others have the power to control your life”, that kinda thing. In context, I think Niki here intends to say that he wouldn’t have accepted if Rinne was gonna control what he did.

(6): A bit relevant to the idea Rinne is trying to express, Americans like to say that “you can drive 3 hours in Europe and be in five different countries, but if you drive in America for 3 hours you will still be in America (the same state no less LOL)”.

(7): This is like “storm clouds are gathering” or like there’s a looming sense of danger or worry.

(8): This is playing on what HiMERU said in the previous chapter. HiMERU said there’s clouds of uncertainty and now Niki’s saying it’s all clear! Also get it, they’re on the west coast, and the coast is clear…get it…haha <///3

(9): Niki’s 10/10 English attempt at saying “Could I get another chilidog for takeout? Another order please~!” then gives the owner a thumbs up.

(10): A tanuki is a “Raccoon-dog”, the Japanese mythology version based on it is a creature that shape shifts and plays harmless, mischievous little tricks on humans just for the sake of enjoyment! It’s tricks are most often compared to that of a kitsune.

(11): For anyone like me that doesn’t know Anything about photography this is like. A white tarp thing. From what I gathered the flash is directed at the tarp and the white reflector has the light bounce off it.

(12): Metaphor for a locomotive like a car or train, and obviously in this case it’s a car.