Spider / Epilogue

1.7k words
Nishioka Maiko
pit, ci, eve


Backstage on the day of "ES Halloween" performances.

just a normal

Koh-koh-koh~! It's just a normal stage! So this is where the performance will be when we're up! It's not a scary haunted house!

During rehearsals it was pretty tough. Since the stage is inside the haunted house, we needed to visit the haunted house while it was still up and running.

We ended up using the back entrance. As it turns out, the back of the haunted house isn't much different from the front since the current haunted house staff are on break in the waiting room.

Before, whenever you saw a ghost you'd scream so loudly it could be heard from outside. But now I think you've really come far since your fists didn't go crazy!

You should really be proud of yourself, Kohaku-chan!

Sh-shut up!

well its okay

Well, it's okay. If something is scary then it's scary. What's really horrifying is the inability to feel anymore, whether is fear, pain, sadness, or loneliness.

When you can scream loud when you run into something you hate, that's proof right there that your heart's alive!


Rinne-kun says some wise things sometimes, right? Whenever that happens I can't help but think he's got some sort of doppelgänger or something.

Niki-kyuuuun. Should I make that injury made with makeup look more real...?

Eh?! No thank you! I don't want that at all!

I say things from poems and maxims[1] all the time. Don't go mocking me, Rinne-kun, the modern-day Goethe[2], okayyy?

That would be an insult to Goethe. You're like a parrot mimicking the same thing. The only thing Amagi ever talks about is pachinko, money, and gambling.

Ah! Merumeru you're so meeeaaan! Isn't that going too far?

Oop, shit. While we were too busy goofing off, it's almost time for the "unit" before us to go up! Alrighty, places everyone!

Wait just a minute!

Kohaku-chan, what's wrong?

...When I say Halloween, what do you think of?

Ha? What do you mean?

Maybe pumpkins and sweets?

Th-that's not it! That's not what I'm trying to say...ummm...

Try this. What greeting do you say when you meet someone on Halloween?!

Rinne + Niki: You mean “Trick or Treat”?

...Yeah. Take this.

—These are...? Cookies, aren't they?

Oh, these. Aren't these the ones we made together earlier?

I was really pissed at Rinne-han for making light of me, but everyone came along for my sake.

So that's why I have to thank you, and I'll only say it once...everyone, thanks a lot.

smiling oh so cute



What. Don't smile at me like that.

Bwahaha...! Y-you're very welcome, Kohaku-chan...! Kukuku, aren't you just the cutest...fufu…


Oop! That's dangerous. Looks can kill more so than words right? If I laugh any harder than this, I might end up not being able to do any more shows after this one.

Alright! It's "Crazy:B"s turn! Halloween is today. So, let's go out and enjoy ourselves!

"'Trick or Treat!' Let's get this show moving or else I'll play a little trick on you!"

"Wouldn't that make it 'Trick or Enjoy'?"

"Well, that's fine. Today is a fun, fuuun Halloween. So let's not get too wrapped up in the details!"

niki blm

"There's a bunch of thrilling events, but Halloween is the one that I love the most of them all!"

"By the way, Niki-han. Didn't you say you liked Halloween because you got a lot of sweets?"

"Fufun~ It's not only about that. Isn't Halloween a holiday that brings people worldwide together with just candy? In other words, it's an event that's the definition of love making the world go round!"

"I won't be snarky about it, but I don't have a clue what you mean by that. Just look at the audience too, they've all got the same blank look on their faces."

haku blm

"Everyone, sorry about that. Today is Halloween, isn't it? Today is the only day we get to go crazy and run around as spider-like ghosts, so we're just having a lii~iitle bit of fun.”

“Today, we're going to ensnare you all and make you our prey. We are spider-like ghosts after all.”

“We, 'Crazy:B', won't let you get away. Prepare yourselves....~"

Kohaku + Niki: ….~♪

heyhey rinne

Heyhey, Rinne-han. There's still some dust you missed here, so be careful.


—This is so not fair! We were having such a great time during the live yesterday, so why the hell are me and Niki being bossed around by Kohaku-chan and being told to clean up!

Cleaning this place is my job, so the only one being made to do it is you, Rinne-kun.

—Amagi. Don't just plop the mop on the floor, it'll kick up dust.

Merumeru! Why are you the only one that gets to sit by elegantly drinking Cola?! You're the only one not cleaning!

Fufu, obviously. I appreciate you going out of your way to help me out but...I gotta make sure I punish Rinne-han for making fun of me for laughs~

There's no way I agree with this!

Move your hands instead of running your mouth. Or else.

Do you want my fists instead of a game of punishment?

I'll get rid of all the grime!

Oh, how the tables have turned.

Heyhey. Hurry up and finish cleaning already so we can finish up our game of mahjong from last time.

All four of us can play today. If one of our members can't play, then it's not as good.

Mahjong is best when played with four people, after all.

Translation Notes

(1): Maxim - noun, “a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct.” Basically a principle or proverb.
(2): Off the top of my head Goethe is pretty much the German Shakespeare. Idk much about him but take that explanation. Post proofreading: This just in one of my proofers told me people think Goethe was gay good for him love that
(3): A Christian holiday that occurs on Nov. 1st Post proofreading: It’s often regarded as another form of Halloween, done to honor deceased saints. Some sources cite All Saints Day and Hallow’s Eve to be closely linked enough that the only difference is really how they’re celebrated, with Halloween now being a popular fun holiday and All Saints Day being for those who observe Christianity.

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