Number Eight / Prologue

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One day mid-February, over a certain place in the sky.

last words

Hey, Niki. I’ve got a few last words to say.

This entire situation…could end up being really dangerous.

Eh? What’s gotten into you suddenly?

You say “last” words...but we’re still mid-flight, right? So don’t you mean to say “first”?

Nono, I mean there’s something real weird going on here.

Just think about it for a sec. We were blindfolded, then they made us take buses, planes, helicopters, and a buncha other stuff. Enough time has passed for us to bet on it being an overseas thing.

Don't you think that without us even realizing, we've somehow pissed off COSPRO's higher-ups, and now they've decided to just dump us into the wild?

Auugh, if I knew it’d come down to this I would’ve said goodbye to my little bro. Of course the second I wanna become a good older brother he’s not here!

How cruel…the industry is just too cruel! What, are they trying to say we’re not useful to them anymore?!

If that’s how they wanna be, then they should have prepared one last meal! That way I can at least die on a full stomach!

You two are being so dramatic.

Aren’t we just going out to film like last time? "The Minotaur's Labyrinth" was pretty successful thanks to all those stupid things we did, so they probably called us again to try and make another big hit. It’s about time “Crazy:B” did something wild again, anyways.

Welp~, there’s one bee that can’t read the room.

Rinne-kun was just doing his very best to put on a convincing show~ You’re ruining my little joke on Niki, y’know?

Ehhh?! Rinne-kun all your moping earlier was an act?!

I totally fell for it! Rinne-kun, if you keep messing with people like that, they’re really going to have it out for you!


–Amagi, Shiina, Oukawa. Could you all please quiet down?

You should rest while it’s still possible to do so. If this is truly going to be similar to “The Minotaur's Labyrinth”, then it will surely be just as physically demanding.

When traveling, it’s best to save as much energy as possible. That’s the key to a job well done.

HiMERU-han, you sound pretty calm.

Naturally. HiMERU always aims to solve things logically.

If Amagi hadn’t kidnapped him, then HiMERU would be working one of his solo jobs by now.

That’s not how things roll~

We’re in the same unit. If we go down, we’re gonna go down together~

Rinne-kun, you’re scum.

But, I’m glad we’re not gonna die. They did ask us for our passports on the plane ride to the airport, so I figured we were overseas anyways. I’ll get a chance to eat all the local cuisine when we get there, so I am a-okay with all of this~!

Niki-han, your mind really is only set on eating isn’t it?

I, for one, would like to get my feet on the ground as soon as possible–


What’s wrong, Kohaku-chan? Did you see any yummy looking animals on the ground?

It’s not that. Look.

On the ground over there, there’s like a big sign or something.

come here

“COME HERE”...? What’s that for?

Fumu. “Use this to get off” is what the pilot just explained in English.

“This”, huh…it kinda looks like a parachute, doesn’t it?

In other words, this is the starting point. Hell yeah! I’ve been in the city for a while, but this is the first time I got to try out skydiving!

I’ll take that–and then you guys can follow me~

Ah, hold on Rinne-kun! Don’t just start putting that parachute on!

I’m so not ready to jump from up here!

Worry about all that later!

C’mon, c’mon! The instructors are telling us to get a move on!

Wait. Those people aren’t the film crew? They’re actually diving instructors?!

i can rinne


Rinne-kun! He jumped out without even listening to me!

Talk about nerve! Should we just persuade the pilot to land closeby?

Koh koh koh~ I’ve never been skydiving before either.

This should be fun. If there’s no point in fighting it, I mind as well~

Y-you too, Kohaku-chan?!

HiMERU unbl

Shiina, don’t look so surprised and put on your parachute.

We don’t have the power to override anything, so it’d be wise not to delay anything further and just follow along with the program’s directions.

Eh??? HiMERU-kun, you’re gonna jump too?!

I don’t wanna use up my calories in a weird way by skydiving…but there really is no point in saying no is there~?

Alright. I can do this! I’ll do it so that I can definitely enjoy some yummy food later!

i can niki


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