Spider / Gratitude

1.8k words
Nishioka Maiko
pit, ci , eve

Chapter 9

Some days later.


...... (Laying face-down on his bed)

Oiii. Sakura-kuuun~? Are you ok?

.... (Waves his hands around)

I'm a bit relieved that you have at least the energy to respond somehow. You've been pretty fatigued lately, haven't you?

You didn't come back here to our room the last time you stayed over, and the past couple of days you've been coming home late. Are you busy doing work?

No. It's not work. Recently I've been having a really hard time trying to get prepared for "ES Halloween"...

Well, I guess it's my fault that I'm not able to fare well.

(I really did just end up getting scared so many times that I got used to it. My spirit's been drained.)

"ES Halloween"?

—Aah, are you saying you're tired from the practice for the event?

Well, kinda. It was more like training than practice.


Nothing. It's nothing. It was our own thing, so you don't need to worry about it.

Fuu~n. So, "ES Halloween" is gonna have "Crazy:B" participating in it? I'm pretty excited about it, since it looks like it's gonna be a huge deal. That Ibara guy seemed to be looking forward to it too.

It is a seasonal event. So it's true that the director's been bustling. This has to be the best time to make money.

Right, right. That's exactly it. Ohii-san and Nagi-senpai were really anticipating the costume party.


Uuu… costumes…

? What's wrong?

No. It's nothing.

But, I'm surprised. Sakura-kun's group is actually really kind.

Hah? Kind? Who is?

Ah, nono. It's just how I saw it, so please don't be so offended…

"Crazy:B" always seemed like the kind of "unit" that would just go with their own flow to me. I thought the fact that they excitedly helped you with lessons when you couldn't do well was actually super kind, Sakura-kun…it was a liiiitle unexpected.


That's a relief. Sakura-kun, you're the youngest in "Crazy:B". So I'm happy you have people around to take care of you.

Think of it this way: here at Reimei there's not many older students right? It's pretty much the definition of "the law of the jungle"[1].


? What's wrong? You look surprised.

Nothing. I just never thought of it that way before. Is that how it is?

I just thought Rinne-han was getting a laugh out of it.

Ahaha. It's hard to tell when it's all about you right? Ohii-san is really hyper, egotistical, and really rash, but he does take good care of me, and that's surprising.

Isn't it the same in your group, Sakura-kun?

In mine...?

I've always thought that if I'd ever went wrong somewhere, then I'd still be alone.

To be surrounded by people like this is something I'm really grateful for… and I need to remember to stay grateful for those around me.


Well, if I ever told that to Ohii-san then he'd definitely get carried away. So, I'm not saying a thing.

Fufu. What's with that? What would be the point in telling them? I really am surrounded by dishonest people.

(...Well, I guess I'm the same way.)

Chapter 10

The next day.



(Nn~...I think I overslept because I was exhausted. Well, I've got work in the evening anyways so there's no issue there, but if I'm waking up in the afternoon it feels like I've lost money[2].)

(The day of the costume fitting is finally here at last… I wonder what kind of costume it's gonna be. If it's possible at all I really want it to be something popular with kids instead of horrifying…)

(No way. That would totally be wrong… wouldn't we just become the number one type of idols parents wouldn't want their kids to meet?)

Nn? My stomach is rumbling. It's noon already, and I really am hungry…

I want to see if I could grab a bite from the kitchen since I was too lazy to go out and buy groceries, but… Nn? What smells sweet?



I thought I caught a whiff of something sweet, turns out it's just Niki-han? Are you cooking something up again?

Ah! Kohaku-chan, good morning!

You're right. What I'm making now is a prototype batch of Halloween cookies. There's plenty, Kohaku-chan, so you can eat some too.

Halloween cookies? Ah, that's true. There's a bunch of cookies that have the shapes of bats, pumpkins, and ghosts. I'll gladly take some since I'm so hungry. Thanks~

Nn! They're so good. As expected of you, Niki-han.

Still, even though I'm the one that got something good out of this, why don't you make all these prototypes on the day of production instead of going through all this trouble now? Niki-han, you're too stubborn when it comes to cooking.

Ah, these all aren't for me. I mentioned how "Cinnamon"’s manager was super thrilled about the Halloween event, didn't I~?

At "Cinnamon", I was really excited to sell gift batches of cookies on that same day. That's why we're making a bunch of prototypes.

Fuu~n. I get it now. I've been wondering about it for a while, Niki-han, but you really look like you love Halloween. I can tell you're enjoying yourself.

That's right! When "Trick or Treat" is all you have to say to get a load of goodies from everyone around, it's like a dream! It could be Halloween everyday.

Yikes. I hope the end is soon…I'll never live a day of peace.

Nn? I had no idea that they wrapped up Halloween candy all cute-like. Using scary motifs or black and orange colors would make it more Halloween-like, wouldn't it?

You're not wrong~, but I've heard Halloween has been changing more and more lately.


The whole idea of Halloween used to be "giving out candy in exchange for not getting pranked", but now it's more like more people want to "give sweets to the ones who've taken good care of them".

Like you know how Valentine's Day got more popular and you could give your friends chocolate? It looks like Halloween is becoming more like that, where you're simply all having fun together.

So that's why, in order for it to be useful as a gift, I'm using the cute wrapping.

to the ones…

Fuu~n. Is it really popular to do something like that nowadays?…

"To the ones who've taken good care of them"...huh…

i need to…

"I need to remember to stay grateful for those around me."


Hey, Niki-han. Those cookies, I want to bake them too. Can you teach me how?

Eh? I don't mind that but…that's odd. If you say so Kohaku-chan. But does that mean there's someone you want to gift these cookies to?

—Well, something like that. I know it's unusual.

Ehhh~? That's not truuuuue. I'm happy if I can cook with someone since it's fun. We've got plenty of wrapping paper, so let's make something that you'll like together.

Right. I'm in your care, Niki-han.

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Translation Notes

(1): An expression meaning “everything is free reign, and you can use brute force to get anything you want”.
(2): Most likely going off the phrase “time is money”. He feels like he’s wasted time by sleeping in so that’s why he thinks he feels he’s lost money.